Monday, December 7, 2009

2010 Marriage Retreat

It is time to start thinking about our 2010 Marriage Retreat!  It will be held January 22-24 at the Retreat at Artesian Lakes, located in Cleveland, TX (north on Hwy. 59 between Houston and Livingston).  Our speaker will once again be Randy Roper from the Edmond Church of Christ, and he will be speaking on the subject of "The Incredible Love".  Randy conducted our Retreat last year, and is a wonderful and motivating speaker!

The cost per couple is only $100 (food is included!) - our Elder's have been so wonderful to pick up the remaining costs per couple for the weekend.  If you would like to attend, but cannot afford the cost - please see Skip Wagner or another member of the planning committee - we do not want anyone to not attend due to cost.

Artesian Lakes is so pretty - you can check out their website by clicking here.  I cannot begin to tell you what a fun and spiritual weekend this will be... please make plans to attend!  If you are planning on attending, there will be retreat committee members in the foyer before and after services for the next few weeks, or you can give your check to one of the committee members anytime (Skip and Cindy Wagner, Aaron and Cindy Deister, Tom and Lori Messick, Courtney and Anthony Squillante, Courtney and Justin Robertson).  Your $100 check will reserve your spot for the Retreat :)

We look forward to having as many as possible next month!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Class Changes

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder that next Sunday will be the official beginning of our 2 new classes.  The "Young Marrieds" class will meet in the room next to our current room, and the Humphrey's and Wagner's will stay with the Young Married's class as well.  The new "Honeymooners" class will meet in our current room, with Frank and Jeannine Devine as the class "hosts" and filling the role that Humphrey's and Wagner's previously held.

It is up to each couple as to which class you would like to attend.  At other churches, the "Honeymooners" class is reserved for those married about 2 years or less - but this is not a mandatory time frame. Please feel free to attend where ever you are most comfortable... there are no rules :)

This is such a blessing that our class has the need to split!  It is crazy to think that only 3 1/2 years ago we started our Honeymooners class with just 3 couples... now look at us!  God has been so good!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby Dylan is Here!

Congratulation to Jason and Kim Zeller!  Baby Dylan was born this morning at 11:35am and weighs 8 lbs 12 oz.  He's healthy and everyone is doing well.  The Zellers will be in the hospital until Thursday morning.  Thanks so much for everyone's prayers!  

Baby Noah is Here!

Noah Thomas Bayles arrived yesterday, November 16th at 2:19 pm!! He weighed 5 lbs. 12 oz. and is 18 1/2 in. long. Noah passed all of his initial tests in the NICU with flying colors and was actually sent down to the regular nursery after only 2hrs. He was able to be in the room with his parents last night and everybody is doing well. A lot of prayers have been answered.... God is so good!

Baby Dylan Zeller should arrive sometime today, so updates on Kim and Jason will be coming soon! Please also be on the look-out for emails about meals for everyone once they are home and settled.

There is so much to be Thankful for today :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Bible Study!!!

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder about our monthly class Bible study tomorrow night at casa de Robertson. We'll meet at 7 p.m. and normally are finished by 8:30. Directions have been sent out to the list serve, but if you did not receive them, please email me at and I will forward them on :)

Hope to see as many as possible tomorrow night!


Party Pics!

Thank you, thank you to everyone who helped out with making the Halloween treat bags for the kids down at Texas Children's! There were so many who could not make it, but wanted to contribute, and dropped off tons of candy and little toys for the kids. With every one's help - we were able to make over 200 bags to be distributed, which should cover about 6 floors!!

Here are some pictures from Friday night:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October Get-Together

Hey Everybody,

Hope your week is going well. For our October class get together, Courtney and I would like to have everybody that can make it over to our house next Friday, October 23rd. We will be ordering pizza and hanging out. We will also be putting together treat bags for the kids at Texas Children's Hospital. The Schaefers, (Ben, Kerri, Emily & "Baby") who are members at Memorial, have a tradition of going down to TCH and celebrating Halloween. For those of you that don't know, their son, Malachi, lost his battle with cancer 2 years ago, and this is their way of spreading cheer to the kids of TCH and keeping Malachi's memory alive and well. Because of the flu/swine flu, TCH is not allowing the event to take place in the hospital for fear of spreading illness. They have decided to take treat bags to the kids instead. We would like for everyone to bring a couple of bags of your favorite candy, little toys, etc. (anything that will help brighten their day). We will make the treat bags and give them to Kerri to deliver to TCH.

This is a great opportunity for us to get together and do something for these kids that are going thru tough times. Please let us know if you will be able to attend so we can make the proper arrangements. If you can't make it on Friday, but would still like to help out, please bring your candy/treats/small toys on Sunday and we will pack them up for you.

We haven't decided on a time, but probably in the 6:30-7ish time frame. We'll worry about directions later. And of course, if you have kids, please bring them. . . Jack will need some help sorting thru all of the sugary goodness.



Monday, October 5, 2009

Girl's Dinner!!

Hi girls!!

Since it has been a while since our last girl's get-together... there is going to be another girl's dinner on Tuesday, Oct. 13th. We are going to meet at Taco Milagro (Kirby and Westheimer inside 610) at 6:30 PM. You order at the counter (no waitresses or split checks to deal with!!), so if you can't make it right at 6:30 - no big deal!!

An Evite has been sent out to all the email addresses I have, so be checking your inbox for all the info. Also - please feel free to forward the Evite to anyone that I accidentally left off :)

We hope to see everyone next Tuesday!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Class Announcements/ Updates

Hi everyone :) Please read the announcements below from Tara Bailey.... if you are interested in helping out or participating, either leave a comment in the comments section at the end of the post or just email Tara.

Hello again,
Here are the list of announcements that were passed around last Sunday. Please review the sign-ups and see if there is anything that sounds of interest. Hope yall have a great week!

***This coming SUNDAY, Sept 20th***
4:30- Kim Zeller's Baby Boy Shower
7:00- SINGING & SANDWICHES with the Young Professionals in the Family Center
A-M: a dozen sandwiches N-Z: chips

Adam Fracht & Monica Erwin -- Johnstons & Bayles
Justin Lacey & Sarah Hamby -- Alexanders & __________________
Ross Martin & Krista (Ross is out of town pretty much all the time right now, but it would still be a good idea to encourage them before they come to our class)

***Rotate months of "ENCOURAGING OUR CLASS VISITORS"- either by taking out to lunch, emailing/calling/or mailing a card to let them know we enjoyed their visit. (See previous email for list of recent visitors)
SEPT: Baileys, Hayes, Alexanders, Dyniewski's
OCT: Johnstons, Kirklands, Robertsons, _____________
NOV: __________, ____________, __________, _____________
DEC: Bernals, ______________, _____________, ________________

OCTOBER: ____________________
NOVEMBER: Nick & Teresa Smith
DECEMBER: Caleb & Tara Bailey's -Christmas Party
JANUARY: Matt & Kristi Meadows
FEBRUARY: _____________
APRIL: ___________________
MAY: _________________
JUNE: ___________________

- Sunday, Oct 18 at 4:30 pm

-Friday, Oct 23: 6-10pm Decorating
-Saturday, Oct 24: 10-2 Carnival

Ok, so there's a LOT going on! Hopefully there is something for everyone! Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to sign-up for anything. You may call or email me.

Love in Him,
Tara Bailey

There is a post below concerning our monthly Bible Study - please read!!! :)

Monthly Bible Study

Hi, Honeymooners!

Just a reminder... We need hosts for the in-home Bible Study this month! In addition, if you're interested in signing up in advance to host, that would help me in building a schedule. This is a great opportunity to experience an intimate in-home study with fellow brothers and sisters at a similar stage in life.

I know it is difficult for everyone to get together on weeknights considering every one's busy schedules. We are all a bit spread out geographically! However, if you're able, I believe this study is a great investment in our marriages and friendships.

We are still using the NOOMA videos to supplement our discussion. This study provides the men in our class a unique opportunity to lead in a "safe" environment. It's a great way to gain experience in teaching the Word, and I have enjoyed all of the various perspectives. It truly keeps things interesting, and it provides me with a fresh vantage point.

If you're interested in hosting, you can do so and opt not to lead the study. If you're interested in hosting AND leading the study, I will get the video to you in advance so that you can prepare. The DVD comes with a booklet of study questions. You can use these questions or make your own. For those of you who have little to no experience teaching, this opportunity is for you! The booklet will walk you through what to say. This will allow you to get more comfortable with teaching/being in front of a group before delving in and being required to write your own lesson.

Finally, the host sets the date and time. They can choose according to what works with thier individual schedule. This study is designed to be flexible and causual.

I ask everyone to pray and discern if this is an opportunity that the Lord is leading them to participate in. Once again, I understand how busy everyone is, and therefore it's important for each couple to pray over which acitivities take priority.



Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bible Study Directions

Hi everyone! The marriage seminar this weekend was wonderful - thank thank you to Morgan and Melanie Whatley who worked so hard on the committee helping to put it all together :) For those of you who didn't have the chance to make it - I highly suggest either going to the retreat coming up in January or attending the next seminar our church hosts... they are always so informative and helpful!!

Just a reminder that our class Bible study will be at our house this coming Tuesday, September 1st. We will meet at 7 pm as usual, and welcome everyone to attend!! If you are planning on coming, please either leave a comment on this post, or email me at We will have some yummy dessert (I'm trying a new recipe for s'more bars, so be nice if they aren't too good!!) and Justin will guide the discussion for the evening. Here are the directions to casa de Robertson:

Thanks!! We hope to see as many as possible on Tuesday :)

- Courtney and Justin Robertson

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monthly Bible Study

Hi everyone!

Please save the date for our next Bible study at the Robertson house on September 1st. The plan is to meet at 7pm, and snacks/dessert will be provided :) I will post directions closer to the study.

We look forward to having as many as we can - so mark your calendars now!!


-Courtney and Justin

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby Noah Update

I know it’s been a couple weeks since we’ve sent out an update on Paula and baby Noah so I wanted to let you all know what was going on. Paula had another visit today with the maternal fetal specialist and things were still looking positive. We are thankful that his heart is still holding at the high end of the normal range and there doesn’t seem to be any fluid buildup around his heart or stomach areas. We hope that he can continue to stay and grow in her as long as possible. We go once a week to check his status and we’ve got another pediatric cardiologist visit next week too. Paula got good results from her cardiologist last week and she will continue to be able to stay on all the medication. Thanks for keeping us all in your thoughts and prayers.

- Ben Bayles

Making Marriage Sacred Seminar

Just a reminder that the Making Marriage Sacred seminar is on August 29th from 2-7 pm, with childcare provided (yay!!). If you plan on attending, please register on the church web-site:, and if you would like to attend the banquet as well - please make sure you are registered by August 21st :)

Have a great Monday!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Updates

Hi everyone! 1st off - thank you to Babs for teaching a wonderful lesson on pride yesterday in class - you did a wonderful job! Next week Bryan Johnston will be teaching our lesson over Matt. 25: 1-13... thank you to all the men of our class who have taken up the job of teaching this summer!

Please keep the following people in your prayers as we begin another week (prayer requests from class yesterday):
* The Bayles family... Paula had a good check-up with her cardiologist Friday and has another doctor's appointment today
* Kendrick McCleskey's cousin and the the Ewen family
* Matt Meadow's grandmother
* Caleb Bailey's grandmother has been diagnosed with kidney cancer and will be going to MD Anderson for doctor's appointments this week

If you have any other prayer requests - please email them to our class email: and we will post them as well

The church Marriage Seminar will be held August 29th from 2-7 at the church... if you are interested in attending please register on our church website - There will be free childcare for those of us with little ones :)

Thanks everyone - have a wonderful and blessed Monday!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome to our class blog!!

Welcome to the Memorial Church of Christ Honeymooner's blog!  Our blog is just another way to keep our class updated and informed - a site to check everyday or whenever you feel like it to see what is going on!  Welcome!